Monday, October 15, 2012

Another Monday..

Saturday I gave into the craving and had a bowl of soup.  I know not much of a give in but it tasted soooo good.  That is in addition to going across the street where they were eating cheeseburgers and then hot dogs on Sunday.  Anyway it is back to Monday and no lazy time just hanging around with the possibility of my mind and stomach wandering.  I do have to say even the slightest break causes my digestive system to do somersaults.

That brings me to this question about any of these juicing diets.  If you read up on them you see some of them make this claim that your digestive system needs time to rest.  Some of these diets even go to the point of saying that it was natural among early humans because of the lack of food during some of the year.  Now many of these claims I consider crap and this has to be the biggest one of the totally crazy claims.  I think your digestive system was built to run when needed.  If it ever needs a rest it should rest on the type of food not complete lack of food.  When I do a juice diet I make it a point to actually have something like nuts or dried peas from time to time.  When you get off of a juice diet your body really cannot handle some solid foods so you need to get what you can to keep the gears working.

Now the detox thing I am up in the air about.  I like the feeling of just being on juice.  I honestly feel different.  Now that may be to the fact that I am not eating heavy foods or that your system needed a break from some of the chemicals in our non-organic diets.  The fact remains that my skin feels better and I am getting better sleep.  Like I say who knows.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Another day another craving..

Seriously this is much easier than last time.  Yeah I have a craving but I am not as cold turkey as I was last time.  I am still drinking tea which takes the bite off.  What I really want is a sandwich of some type but I think I am going to get some dried peas after work.  A handful of peas was what I needed last time to get through a day.  Yes that is not going solely on juice alone but I think without bringing in some protein and something for your body to process you may hurt yourself.  Let me tell you a handful of dried peas does not make up for eating a sandwich or something of substance.  This weekend should be pretty slow.  I was thinking of trying a master cleanse for a couple of days.  I got the lemons but I need the syrup and laxatives.  I hate that diet. It has to be the worst one ever created.  Oh and Cleanse is the right word with that diet.  I will be sitting at home all weekend so I may give it a shot.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Things are settling down

It looks like this is starting to get a bit calmer.  My stomach is growling but I feel pretty good about everything.  It is somewhat difficult to sit here while most of the office is out to lunch.  But I have my juice.  I changed things up today by putting in a head of broccoli with my normal juice.  This morning I ran out of parsnips but to be honest that is a hard taste to tolerate.  One of the things I remember when I first did this was that you have to fight back the need to have a taste in your mouth besides that of juice.  I may get up and go to the juice bar this weekend and enjoy a drink.  Next weekend I am suppose to go to a big blowout of a party and that will be pretty interesting.  The party will be filled with beer and whiskey and I bet I will be such a light weight that if I have too much they will have to pick me up off the ground.

The good news is that I can see continuing on.  There is no food in the house that I could eat without getting the pots and pans out off the shelves.  That helps keep the kitchen cleaner.  My dog is missing her random meat treats so I think I am going to start making some homemade dog food for her.  That should get her going.  This weekend I am planning for a hike.  I have to get out of the house and get motivated because the lack of food saps strength.  On the good side of that I have had some of the best sleep in the past 3 days that I have had in awhile.  Maybe actually being healthy is a good thing.  Na I want some chicken wings.  Oh well that is about it for day 4.  Just getting in the pattern and moving on.  I know I only want to do a month but I am thinking maybe I can stretch that longer.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blah this stinks

I have finally got over the bridge of being hungry to the point where I feel sick.  Last night was a good night of sleep but my stomach hates me again.  I do like the fact that it is easier on my wallet but I can't stand that people at work talk about food all the time.  Next week will be tough because I have to bring in breakfast to everyone.  So that will be interesting.

The one thing that I was a bit skeptical on when I first did this were all the claims of detoxing.  I do not know  how true any of that is but I do have to say after about two days you do feel different and I do not mean the hunger.  Your skin feels better, you feel a little lighter on your feet and you are wide awake.  So maybe there is a little something into detoxing.  I tend to look at it as you are not putting anything unnatural in your system and your body is responding to natural fruits and vegetables.  Don't get me wrong I still love meat and I was thinking about pork chops all morning but right now I feel so much better than I normally do.  I cannot wait to rush home and go for a walk with the dog.

But lets be honest.  What is three days.  After two weeks that is when you really start to go into a mental game with yourself about wanting food.  If anyone ever wants to try juice fasting they should only shoot for a long weekend or at most a five day week.  People in general love to talk about food so being away from conversations is a must.  I can't wait to leave work because the guys here just can't seem to stop talking about their lunch or what they are going to eat tomorrow.  We are sad in that we eat as recreation and not as a need for health and well being.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A full year later.

It has been a year later and I have grown addicted to juicing.  So addicted that I have quietly slipped into another month long juice fast without really telling anyone.  Now it is only day two and I have to say that I do not remember it being this hard to get back into it.  Today I have noticed that I get dizzy very easy but drinking water and getting some juice down me has helped.  When I originally did this I was home for a long weekend so just sitting around and fighting the urge to eat was not that bad.  I started this one at work so I am having some pretty tough urges.  However the feeling of just juicing is great.  My skin feels healthy and I feel lighter on my feet.  I have no weight goals and I really do not care except for the fact that I have to go back to the doctor in November and it will be interesting to see how I have progressed.  Since the last time I went 6 months ago my doctor wants me to lose 70 more pounds.  That is going to be hard to do so I see a few juice fasts in my future.  Mixture is still the same except for I added parsnips.  I need to get some more fruits to mix up my tastes at night.  Well here is to some juicing once again.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Day One

Started juicing again to support my cousin that is trying to lose some weight.  I also need to get back into a steady stream of weight loss.  One of the things that I dislike most about getting older is what your doctor tells you that you need to do as far as monitoring the progression of your health in this stage of life.  She wants me to start checking for cancer because of my family history but I want to wait a few more years but I think on my next visit I will give in.  What I will do is follow her wish for me to lose 70 more pounds.  If I can lose that I will be back in the shape when I first came to Atlanta.  Also after a slight knee injury I am starting to get much more mobile again.  Well here is to it.  Should be a tough week but I am all about going forward.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

So I did not keep up with the blog like I needed to but I am back in the saddle again.  I did the full two months and I lost a total of 70 lbs.  My doctor wants me to lose 70 more so I am working out a plan to do some fasting along with diet changes.  My goal as for my diet is to eat 80% veggies vs 20% meat.  Also for meat I want to stay with fish and chicken and limit my red meat.  This is going to be tough but I think it is for the best.  I completed the Tough Mudder and I am starting to get in shape to run some other races such as the GA Mud Run and the Alabama Warrior Dash.  Keep moving and eat healthy!