Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Day One

Started juicing again to support my cousin that is trying to lose some weight.  I also need to get back into a steady stream of weight loss.  One of the things that I dislike most about getting older is what your doctor tells you that you need to do as far as monitoring the progression of your health in this stage of life.  She wants me to start checking for cancer because of my family history but I want to wait a few more years but I think on my next visit I will give in.  What I will do is follow her wish for me to lose 70 more pounds.  If I can lose that I will be back in the shape when I first came to Atlanta.  Also after a slight knee injury I am starting to get much more mobile again.  Well here is to it.  Should be a tough week but I am all about going forward.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

So I did not keep up with the blog like I needed to but I am back in the saddle again.  I did the full two months and I lost a total of 70 lbs.  My doctor wants me to lose 70 more so I am working out a plan to do some fasting along with diet changes.  My goal as for my diet is to eat 80% veggies vs 20% meat.  Also for meat I want to stay with fish and chicken and limit my red meat.  This is going to be tough but I think it is for the best.  I completed the Tough Mudder and I am starting to get in shape to run some other races such as the GA Mud Run and the Alabama Warrior Dash.  Keep moving and eat healthy!