Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 3

I got fed up with the Master Cleanse so I am on to just juicing and boy do I feel better.  The Master Cleanse just sucks and I only did 2 days of it.  Just imagine it is a 10 plus day cleanse.  You need to be off work and have availability to a clean restroom.  No thank you no thank you.  The lemon drink is good the first few drinks but after that it sucks.  Give me juice.  On the juice my hunger is back but it is manageable.  The problem comes if I am watching TV or someone mentions food.  I was just thinking how nice it would be to smoke some ribs and some brisket.  Well I guess that will have to wait until October.  Juice Ho!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Master Cleanse.... no thank you.

So I begin day two with my shortened version of the Master Cleanse.  It is a 10 day diet and I have to say that just doing three is more than enough for me.  In a word: NASTY!!!  Oh yeah it flushes your system but you are not prepared for how it flushes your system.  I tell you what this does make me forget about the hunger pains because my lower intestines is just really angry with me right now.  OMG I cannot wait to just be on juice.

Friday, July 29, 2011

So It Begins

It is only 8:09 am and I already want to go get a breakfast sandwich.  This morning I had my salt water and a taste of the lemon mixture for the Master Cleanse diet.  My doctor hates this.  Her religion requires her to fast and she say she let's her mother do that for her.  Well might as well give it a shot.  The lemon mixture puts a bite on the simple hunger pains of your normal morning routine.  It will be interesting to see what happens when the real hunger pains hit.  That should be sometime tomorrow.  Right now I just keep liquids in my body and purge what can be purged.  I am really excited about starting with the veggie and the fruit juices on Monday.  Starting weight is 370 lbs.  To the brave good forturne.

Friday, July 22, 2011

T-Minus One Week Until The Start

Well so far I have my doctor's appointment on Monday to get the clear from my doctor and I have been making juices and starting a morning pattern to workout and juice.  Just drinking some of the juices and slowing down on solid food intake is starting to affect the plumbing.

Tonight I am going to take some before pictures which will be posted at my objection and working on some other juice combos.  A week away from the start and I am just afraid of how my body is going to react.  I admit I like my food and I am a proper southern boy that wants his big meals but I have to say taking in all these fruits and vegetables is really making my head clear up and I have so much energy already.  If what we eat affects us this much I do not know why more people don't at least try to drink juice or eat more veggies and fruits every day.

I did get some good advice to watch out for taking in too much fruit because you blood sugar will skyrocket.  That taken into account means I will use fruits to mask some of the flavor of green veggies that I have learned gives a really harsh taste to anything.

So goes the beginning of this journey.  To the brave good fortune.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Prep for the fast.

This is probably the craziest thing that I have decided to do.  In 7 months I plan to run the Tough Mudder here in GA.  That is going to be one grueling event.  To prepare for this I am starting a workout program to get my weight down and my stamina and strength up.  I have also decided to tackle what I put into my body.  Thus the juice fast idea was born thanks to my friend Aaron.

I bought the Omega J8005 juicer this week and I have been testing out different combos of fruits and veggies.  The little I have done has added to my energy and alertness.  This is going to be tough because I will admit it, I love food.  So here this journey begins.